What is CPanel ?
cPanel is a powerful control panel for managing your web hosting account.
The great thing is that it allows beginners to manage all aspects of their hosting without the need for advanced technical skills….

How To Create & Restore Backups In CPanel ?
Backup feature allows you to create partial or full backup which can be downloaded to your local machine or it can be transferred to a remote server or machine via FTP….
How To Create Custom Error Pages In CPanel ?
Whenever visitors try to visit a page that’s not available on your website they wil get an error message. You can customize these error messages….

How To Create An Addon Domain Name In CPanel ?
Depending on the type of web hosting plan you’ve signed up for, you can host multiple websites. The Addon Domains feature in your cPanel account enables you to link a new domain name to a subdirectory on your website….
How To Setup A Subdomain In CPanel ?
Via your cPanel control panel you can set up multiple subdomains, You may need subdomains to create mobile versions of your website, blogs….

How To Create An FTP Account In CPanel ?
FTP account is created by default. If you want more, however, you can create multiple FTP accounts,  Additional FTP accounts are required when you want to give someone else access to your files without sharing with them your cPanel login details….

How To Create A MYSQL Database In CPanel ?
Creating a MySQL database for your site is extremely easy.just you have to follow the steps shown in the tutorial….
How To Create An Email Account In CPanel ?
From your cPanel control panel, you can create one or multiple new email accounts for your business within minutes….

How To Set Up An Autoresponder In CPanel ?
Setting up emails as usual even when an autoresponder is functioning….
How To Password Protect A Directory In CPanel ?
The resources on your cPanel, you can easily do this. Once you have password-protected a particular folder, the visitor will be required to provide the username and password you’ve set to view the files….

Update Your Contact Information In CPanel
Any new update or information about your cPanel. Therefore, it’s crucial to make sure that your primary contact email in your cPanel account is up-to-date. You can update this information anytime….
How To Change Your CPanel Password ?
The password to access cPanel should be changed from time to time for security. always remember to choose a password which contains alphanumeric characters so that it can’t be easily guessed….

Upload Files Using File Manager In CPanel ?
You can easily upload files to your site from NewHosters CPANEL….
Update Apache And PHP In A CPanel Server ?
You can  install and/or update and/or modify Apache, PHP, Tomcat and other web server components in the server. NewHosters CPANEL provides their own custom script or program to do this extremely easily with an interactive interface….

How To Change Your CPanel Style ?
You can easily change the style of your cPanel control panel….
How To Set Up A Cron Job In CPanel ?
A cron job will allow you to schedule tasks so that they happen at the specific times you choose in cPanel….