Server Use
Personal accounts are to be used by the primary owner only. Account holders are not permitted to resell, store or give away web hosting services from their web site to other parties. Web hosting services are defined as allowing a separate, third party to host content on the owner’s web site. Exceptions to this include ad banners, classified ads, and personal ads. co. reserves the right to refuse service and/or access to its servers to anyone. Ignorance is never bliss. Termination is a definite consequence of breaking any terms listed herein

No Spamming
Streaming Media
Regular hosting accounts only We do not allow any kind of streaming media, legal or illegal, including Real Audio, Real Video, and QuickTime. The use of Flash/Shockwave, however, is allowed. Bots Includes by not limited to IRC, PSY, BNC, EggDrop. Invalid or Non-Transferable Domains – Every account must have a properly registered domain name, which resides on our domain name servers, within 15 days of the account’s opening. After 15 days, accounts without registered or transferred domain names will be terminated automatically. No warnings will be given, and any payments already made will be forfeited. No refunds will be given When a web site is found to be monopolizing the resources available, co. reserves the right to suspend that site immediately. This policy is implemented only in extreme circumstances and is intended to prevent the misuse of our servers.
Adult Material
Includes all pornography, erotic images, or otherwise lewd or obscene content. The designation of “adult material” is left entirely to the discretion of co. please contact first if you think that you may violate this term. Online/Offline Games and Anime Sites – Includes all online/offline Casinos, Jumpling, MUDs, Egg Drop, interactive gaming on our servers, Anime communities, PlayStation games Forums, news, reviews.
Wares not Allowed
Includes pirated software, ROMS, emulators, freaking, hacking, password cracking or cheating, IP spoofing, etc., and encrypting of any of the above. Also includes any sites which provide “links to” or “how to” information about such material.
Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy or all our customers. The information collected from customers when signing up is used for billing and administration purposes only and will be kept confidential. Contact and billing information collected will NOT be passed onto any third parties
Unlimited Bandwidth Policy co. allows bandwidth as your plan say for all sites, except for those that:
For websites meeting these conditions, co. not promises to deliver truly unlimited bandwidth.
If your site can not meet all of the conditions listed above, co. will allow extra bandwidth and you have to charge for each GB above your original plan. co. allows bandwidth as your plan say for all sites, except for those.
Please note that over 85% of our clients never exceed even 5000 megs of total FTP and web page transfer combined, so you can be assured that our bandwidth is not choked by numerous ‘load-heavy’ sites. To further protect the integrity of our service, any individual site consistently using 10% or more of the system’s resources may be issued a warning or have its account deactivated.