The selection of accessing the Web from mobile devices or from desktop computers usually depends on the user needs and location. The use of desktop computers provides larger screen size, broadband connection, the ability to run many applications simultaneously, and the use of tabs for browsing several sites. Desktop computers utilize a pointing device to click over the different fields and buttons to access, hence the chance to get a miss click is very rare. In case of mobile devices , the use of touch taps over the screen by fingers or by using a stylus increases the chances of miss tap due to the fact that the users are touching the area of the screen not the exact pixels. Reversing an action in a desktop browser for example is easy to handle when compared to that of a mobile browser which is more time consuming.
As mobile Internet is growing fast, for example, use of mobile search has grown by 500% over the past two years, while average Smartphone usage almost tripled in 2011. Many researchers are predicting that mobile Internet use will replace the desktop Internet use and is predicted to overtake in 2015. Mobile Internet usage is now a mass market with 69% of users having connection to the Internet through a mobile device in 2012. Smartphones are the most popular mobile access method to the Internet with 61% of respondents using Smartphones versus 37% for notebooks and 22% for tablets. Age is a differentiating factor with 82% of those aged 14-29 accessing the Internet on a mobile device versus only 45% for people above 50

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